When you enter the office, you will find it very cool inside, this is for your body to acclimate down to a cooler temperature. You will disrobe and be given an exam cape, after which you will be given some forms to fill out, so we can get a medical history and other pertinent information. A total of 5 breast images will be taken, which will be electronically sent to our thermologists. "All scans are read and interpreted by Thermologists, Medical Doctors who are board-certified in Thermology. You will receive an email copy of your interpreted report in about one week. Annual reports and subsequent follow-ups will be EMAILED to you unless otherwise requested".
Since this will be your baseline scan, and more critically, because active cancer cells double every 90 days, you will be asked to return in 3 months, to establish the stability of your breasts’ vascular patterns. This follow-up is essential in determining future risks. An abnormal vascular development in the breast tissue can be an early warning sign of breast cancer, which may be reversible with proper nutrition and hormone balancing (if needed). After this baseline is established, you need only return annually or as specified in your report.